Skills insights for work & learning



Skills insights for work & learning

Skills-based workforce analytics and labor market alignment platform for work and learning communities


Led the design and development of SkillsEngine, a skills-based workforce analytics and labor market alignment platform for work and learning communities. SkillsEngine leverages AI combined with expertly curated skills data to unlock new perspectives on talent and training alignment.

Led the strategic pivot and revisioning of the SkillsEngine venture from a B2E strategy to a platform SaaS/DaaS offering

Built first of its kind skills data modeling and profiling platform for work and learning communities.


  • Successfully pivoted platform strategy
  • Built innovative skills data modeling system
  • Enhanced commercial viability
  • Improved platform scalability
  • Established market presence

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Skills data curation, management, and distribution for large scale organizations serious about aligning industry talent demand and training provider supply.

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